Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Family Outing

So the other day, We all had the day off, and we went to the Union Station in Ogden Utah. This station is haunted, which creeps me out I won't lie. The have had so many sightings there, crazy crazy. Anyhoo, We spent a good portion of the day climbing on the trains! I eventually put my crutches back in the car and just limped like crazy everywhere, but it made it easier for climbing around. In the process I lost my label for my purse... the coach sign fell off of my purse... I was and still am, very upset.

Check out the size of that wheel on that train! And my dad's lovely hawaiian leaf shirt. lol. I absolutely love museums tho, so it was a good day, but I was so tired after going thru just 1/2 of it on my crutches, I was totally ready to go home before anyone even thought of leaving. we also got to see the train car that carried the Olympic torch in 2002 to salt lake!
We all had a lot of fun! other than losing my emblem, the day was great. tiring, but definitely a lot of fun! The best part was climbing all over the trains! :) We even got to see this lady that works there, she was at the orthopaedic center up at the U while I was there for an appointment, and no kidding, the lady is a bit out there. Sweet, and very very nice lady, but kinda crazy. she was telling us how the place was haunted and how much she loved obama, this is back when it was voting time, and she wanted everyone to vote for him, and she was going around talking to everyone convincing them he was amazing... (yeah, look at the mess he's got us into now... the nation has gone down faster since he became president then with any other president ever.. great choice) Anyway, we got to see her again and she told me how special I was and how I was doing awesome with my hip, and to hold in there and keep the faith. ha ha. Strange, yes... but very nice. All in All, we all had a fabulous day!

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