Friday, May 15, 2009

Kim Possible

To preface this... I must say that I absolutely LOVE any cartoon... for the most part. anything Disney is HUGE in my book. Especially Kim Possible. I fall asleep watching the Disney Channel every night, unless I am with Taylor... I know... I am a nerd. :D but I am not ashamed.

So I had this day... It started out with waking up, Taylor was at my house because he needed to use my internet... sigh, the short version of this story, he lost his car, his license, long story, driving uninsured and caught... so I drive him around. Anyway, I was with him last night, and I refused to go get him before work this morning, so I made him stay at my house.

I went to work at 9, and my hip was having MASSIVE issues. I slept on my neck wrong as well and was in pain most of the day, the only time I was not is when my ibuprofen kicked in enough to dull it to a slight pain. I wore the wrong shoes to work as well, therefore resulting in very sore feet.

after getting off i didn't have the best night either. I ended up crying on my way home from taking Taylor home because I am emotional right now, and I just kept thinking of how things used to be with him... made me a bit sad. that is a long story too, but in short, I am happy with how we are now, we are way better friends than we ever were, and I wouldn't trade that for what we had before, it is just sometimes I get sad that we aren't together anymore.

Sitting at home, i have been pretty sad all night, it is a friday night, i should be out with friends. I am on this pity trip for myself, and it is pretty ridiculous.

This is when I decided that Kim Possible needed to happen. imagine how happy I was when I found episodes online for free! Now I am on the couch, not a light turned on in my entire house, typing this and watching Kim Possible.

it is amazing how much of a better mood I am in now! All I have to say is I LOVE cartoons and I LOVE Kim Possible!

ha ha ha, wow I am a nerd! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Alright, I'm gonna have to watch this show!
    I like your new layout.
